Meet The Crew | Bgirl Fox | Clean North

I first met Bgirl Fox back in 2013. My earliest memory of Fox is when she put me in the Bgirl battles at Tech Styles 3. I had been gone from breaking for 3-4 years and Tech Styles 3 was my first event back. I remember the conversation well. It went like this: […]

By |2019-03-11T13:58:40+00:00March 9th, 2019|Clean North|Comments Off on Meet The Crew | Bgirl Fox | Clean North

Meet The Crew | Bboy Airdy | Clean North

Airdy is a guy with many talents! When I first met him back in 2013, breaking wasn’t the only activity he was doing. He was part of a cricket team as a wicket keeper and he was in a street dance crew. When Airdy was younger he played basketball and football too! As he has grown, he has cut down on his other activities and put breaking front and centre! […]

By |2019-03-08T17:37:24+00:00March 8th, 2019|Clean North|1 Comment

Meet The Crew | Bboy Jonah | Clean North

Jonah is the newest member of Clean North having just joined in January. Our crew training takes place after the Wednesday class finishes at St. John’s Bowling church in Bradford. I would sometimes come early to see how things were going and that’s where I saw Jonah breaking for the first time. Even then I thought his footwork was fresh. It was fast, it flowed well and I thought that he transitioned from move to move very smoothly. I could tell that he enjoyed what he was doing. Sometimes when I watch some of the younger dancers, they don’t follow their movements all the way through. They don’t quite use their full range of motion or they don’t know how to yet. This wasn’t the case when I first saw Jonah dancing. […]

By |2019-03-11T13:59:42+00:00March 7th, 2019|Clean North|Comments Off on Meet The Crew | Bboy Jonah | Clean North

Meet The Crew | Bgirl Spider | Clean North

I met Spider when she was about 8 years old at the Thursday class at St. John’s Bowling Church, Bradford. She was so small when I first saw her. All she wanted to do was spin on her head. She was and still is one of the rawest around. It’s rare that I’ll hear Spider complain about anything. If she gets knocked down, she just gets right back up. She’s one of the few people that I know that seems to have no fear. If I ask her to try something, she will. If she maybe bangs herself, she’ll readjust and go again. This is one of the reasons why her level is where it is. She doesn’t give up and makes no excuses for herself. […]

By |2019-03-11T13:59:36+00:00March 6th, 2019|Clean North|Comments Off on Meet The Crew | Bgirl Spider | Clean North

Meet The Crew | Bboy 1K | Clean North

I first met 1K at the Thursday class at St. John’s Church 6 years ago. Up until this day, I have never met anyone as charismatic as he is. He is that guy in the city that everyone seems to know. I can’t walk around town with him without someone stopping us to chat. 1K has a big heart and he always does his best to look out for the people around him. Whether it be his family or the other Bboys/Bgirls in Bradford, he will put in the time and the effort to help out without asking for anything in return. […]

By |2019-03-11T13:59:30+00:00March 5th, 2019|Clean North|1 Comment
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