It’s official, Solid Rock is the latest Breakin ( Breakdance ) crew to form on the Bradford scene and they are already making an impact. This week the newly formed crew will be facing off against Industrial Techniques Crew, which formed back in 2015. They will be battling it out at the Bradford Brawl, an in-house event hosted by Tranquil Productions.

It’s amazing the see the Bradford scene growing and developing, the next generation of bboys and bgirls are forming and they have a solid foundation to build on. The battle this week against Industrial Techniques will really test both crews and each crew will have to battle their hardest to show where they stand on the Bradford scene. Solid Rock may not have as much experience as Industrial Techniques, however they have a much larger crew at 16 members strong. 8 of the 16 members make up their battle squad. It’s going to be an exciting event and it will all be covered by tranquil productions, so check the blog regularly to see the footage.
Here at Tranquil Productions we aim to bring you all the news about the work we do and our involvement within the Bradford breakin / breakdance & hip hop scene; from the Breaker of the month to the latest events and battles. Below are some photos of the Solid Rock Crew, we hope you like them and enjoy watching this new crew grow and develop. Subscribe to the blog to keep updated with the latest news.

Meet The Crew – (Left to Right) Keira, Elijah, Harley, Paulina, Maddie, Harmony, Cassidy, Vanessa, Aneta, Nathan, Jonah, Ebony, Will, Joel & Marley

Serious – Aneta, Elijah, Marley, Joel, Ebony & Keira

Happy – Harmony & Cassidy

Bboy Stance – Marley

Happy – Harley & Maddie

Cheeky – Harmony

The Twins

Bgirl Sisters – Aneta & Vanessa

Tiny but mighty – Paulina & Cassidy