I first met 1K at the Thursday class at St. John’s Church 6 years ago. Up until this day, I have never met anyone as charismatic as he is. He is that guy in the city that everyone seems to know. I can’t walk around town with him without someone stopping us to chat. 1K has a big heart and he always does his best to look out for the people around him. Whether it be his family or the other Bboys/Bgirls in Bradford, he will put in the time and the effort to help out without asking for anything in return.
On a bus journey to Leeds about 4 years ago, 1K told me that he wanted to be in Clean North. He told me why and also explained what he wanted to do in his life. He wanted to follow in the footsteps of his teacher, Bboy Tranquil. Clean North was a dream for him. I told him to focus on what was in front of him at the time. This included his own breaking, his school and then college work. I knew where he wanted to be but in order to get there, he had to get his head down and better himself in other aspects first. And he did just that. He understood that the work you put in in the present day has the potential to spring into something amazing down the line. But this can’t happen if you’re too busy looking ahead instead of what you have right now. We have spoken about that bus journey, the questions I asked, his answers and we reflected on how far he has come. He has grown a lot in character and the goals he spoke of, he has achieved! I’m so proud of how far he has come and I’m thankful to be part of journey.
Name: Kye McPherson
Bboy Name: 1K
Age: 18 years old
Length in breaking: 8 years
Style: All-rounded
Length of time in Clean North: 2 years
Catchphrase: Obviously
Why and how did you start breaking?
I started breaking after watching the movie “You Got Served”. My uncle Neil was a Bboy as well. I started a breaking class in 2010 but I didn’t really take it seriously until 2013. I’ve been doing it ever since.
Who’s your favourite Bboy/Bgirl?
At the moment it’s Victor. Easily!
How’d you get your Bboy name?
My breaking name actually came from a joke over how many likes and views I got on social media when I was in school. It was in the thousands hence the name Bboy 1K.
What’s your biggest motivation in breaking?
I know I’ve been blessed with this talent. My motivation comes from putting it to good use. Making people happy and smile. My crew also motivate me!
Who inspires you most in breaking?
My breaking teacher Lloyd and my crew!
What’s your best moment in breaking?
Getting into Clean North as it was a dream of mine when I was younger. My uncle Neil was in it so I just always wanted to join too.
What’s your worst moment in breaking?
Oh, all the times I’ve failed my flips in public! Embarrassing. I injured my shoulder at the end of last year landing a flip wrong as well.
What do you think of the UK scene?
We’re getting there! The events are getting bigger and better I think. I’d like to see more international people judging maybe to switch things up. But yes, things are looking bright.
What’s your favourite food?
Sushi! 100%
What’s your ultimate goal?
I want to help other people to be able to dance. I want to keep doing what I’m doing, sharing the love of the dance and hopefully inspiring others to want to join in.
Does Clean North have what it takes to be the best crew in the world?
Of course.
What do you look for when you are judging?
I want to see you having fun. I look for style/character, musicality and someone who is all-rounded or at least tries to use the 5 keys in breaking.
There is one thing that is always being talked about on the scene and that is the judging. How can we improve it, what do people think, ties vs no ties, etc etc. Although some members of the crew haven’t judged at official events, they have judged at the many battles that occur at training and in classes. I believe it’s important to know what it is that the younger breakers look for when they watch the dance.
Each member in Clean North has their own role. It’s not specific like a job title, it’s just something that people naturally come into on their own. Not everybody has leadership qualities in them and that’s alright. They still have a role, it’s just not that one. Maybe they’re better suited at organising or for the younger dancers, it’s about doing well in school/college whilst keeping up with their training.
I believe 1K is the bridge in the crew. He connects the dots between Clean North and the younger crews in Bradford. He has made his own mistakes earlier on in his journey but instead of looking at that as a stain on his past, he uses it to help others. The things he learns whilst being a member of Clean North, he passes down to others and that’s what it’s about. He is the bridge (alongside being the crew joker).
Keep up to date with Bboy 1K via his IG: @bboy1k

1K you are a class act. Very likeable and very friendly. People are drawn to you through your amazing character and dance skills. Keep it up. You are getting better and better.
From an old skool bboy king break