It’s been three months since UK Bboy Championships and three months since my last blog post. This is not a coincidence. I and Clean North took a major hit at this event and for me personally this was one of the worst weekends of my life and that’s no understatement.
I’m happy to say we are on the rise and have overcome which I Thank God for. Looking back on the event, I now take one thing from it. In the midst of the chaos, I also had one of the best experiences of my life, which sounds impossible but it wasn’t.

Me & My Spider getting breakfast
I spent a whole day with my apprentice (forgive the Star Wars term) Bgirl Spider and I call her an apprentice because that’s exactly what she is. I trained Spider from very young and to see her so grown up and out in the world battling at a major international event, made me feel so happy. I have love for all my students and I aim to make their lives better through Breakdance and this felt like a definite result in that sense.
Spider had never been to London or away for the weekend without her parents and I was her guardian. She has amazing supportive parents and without them she would not be the Bgirl she is today, they put a lot of trust in me. Travelling to me is always exciting but it’s definitely something I’m used to however, to travel with Spider and see her experience new things for the first time was amazing and made everything fresh. Later in the day we were joined by Bgirl Fox & Bgirl Labyrinth, it was great to be together and made us all closer. That day is something I will never forget!

Time for ice cream
UK Bboy Championships itself was an amazing event to watch on the Sunday and I would encourage anyone reading this to go, especially if you’re from abroad or other parts of the UK as you can enjoy the jam and take in the sights of London two for the price of one. The qualifications are a bit of a joke but you know how I feel about those (I can’t stand them, when done wrong) Aside from this it’s an amazing event.
Please check the photos and video footage from the day and to keep updated with the blog please like the full album can be found on Facebook.

Real Bgirls

Bgirl Fox sticking that freeze!

3 Bgirls, Clean North Family

Bgirls checking out the desserts