Breaker Of The Month

Breaker of the Month | Magic Faris

Breaker of the Month is back with another one. Due to having a few months of heavy activity and many changes within the structure of Tranquil Productions, we have not been able to publish the posts that celebrate some of the best breakers Bradford has to offer. However, behind the scenes the BOTM has still been happening and breakers have been awarded the status. Now the dust is settling it’s time for us to announce these amazing bgirls and bboys from the Bradford scene in the Tranquil Productions family. […]

By |2018-06-21T18:28:27+01:00June 21st, 2018|Breaker Of The Month|Comments Off on Breaker of the Month | Magic Faris

Breaker of the Month | Abbie

We’re back with another BOTM (Breaker of the Month). This is the first award given since the BOTM championship which took place at the Bradford Brawl 2 breakin (breakdance) event. We saw 8 of the hardest working bboys/bgirls in the Tranquil Productions family, go head to head to decide who would be crowned ‘Breaker of the Year’ and take their place on the Tranquil Productions Cup. Bgirl Fox took the win against bboy 1k in the final and became Breaker of the Year. […]

By |2018-03-19T21:54:14+00:00March 19th, 2018|Breaker Of The Month|Comments Off on Breaker of the Month | Abbie

Breaker of the Month | Bgirl Crazy

Tranquil Productions is back with another Breaker of the Month. Bgirl Crazy (Ellie) has taken the last spot in this round of winners. Bgirl Crazy will join the 7 other bboys/bgirls who have earned this prestigious title and they will be battling it out to see who is No.1, later this year at the Bradford Brawl. […]

By |2017-08-29T19:18:23+01:00August 29th, 2017|Breaker Of The Month, News|Comments Off on Breaker of the Month | Bgirl Crazy

Breaker of the Month | Bgirl Gunn

The next (bboy/bgirl) Breaker of the Month is here, the one and only ‘Bgirl Gunn’. This bgirl is an amazing dancer and she is one of the strongest characters on the Bradford breakin (breakdance) scene. Gunn has the mindset of a true bgirl and has no problem when it comes to pushing herself, which she often does. Her talent lies in her Toprock, she has natural rhythm and powerful energy which is great in cyphers and battles. […]

By |2017-08-28T19:33:01+01:00June 14th, 2017|Breaker Of The Month, News|Comments Off on Breaker of the Month | Bgirl Gunn

Breaker Of The Month | Bgirl Labyrinth

I am excited to announce the latest Breaker of the Month, bgirl Labyrinth.  Labyrinth has been breakin ( breakdancing ) for many years and she is a strong presence within the Bradford scene. She has earned this title due to her attitude and growth under pressure. […]

By |2017-08-28T19:33:13+01:00April 25th, 2017|Breaker Of The Month, News|Comments Off on Breaker Of The Month | Bgirl Labyrinth
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