What an amazing year it has been at Tranquil Productions, we have really built momentum since the start of the year and the Bradford breakin scene is really going off. Bboys and bgirls are training harder and more consistently than ever before. 8 Breaker of the Month titles have been awarded throughout the year and we want to celebrate these dancers for their hard work and dedication. These 8 bboys / bgirls are approaching one of Bradford’s most exciting battles, Breaker of the Year! This will take place at the Bradford Brawl on Saturday, 19th of November, 1pm at Kala Sangam and we cannot wait to see who takes the Tranquil Productions Cup in 2022.

Westside Breakers | Breaker of the Months | Layla, Alina, Theo
No matter who takes the Cup, these 8 breakers are already winners. They have all shown, in their own way, the dedication, hard work, drive and the positive mentality it takes to be awarded this title. This battle is a chance for them to celebrate and showcase their skills to friends and family, the Bradford community, Tranquil Productions Family and the wider breakin scene as a whole. Building a reputation in this dance and in Hip Hop in general, is such an important aspect. This leads to opportunities for travel, work, performance and has many other benefits. Bradford Brawl creates the space for growth and getting your name out into the local community and beyond, without opportunities like these it can be hard to find the platform, and this is why Bradford Brawl 2022 is so important.

Kala Sangam Training | Breaker of the Months | Dexy, Elijah, Ammo & Spider
There has always been a maximum of 8 titles per year for breaker of the month so far. Although there are 12 months in a year, it is not a given that we award a title every month. Quite often it is the case that we have multiple dancers all deserving of the title and we wait until one pushes further ahead than the rest, only then do we give out the award. This lets everyone know, that when we select a bboy or bgirl they are truly deserving of it and are representing right.
Breaker of the Months
(Chronological order)
Bgirl Alina
At the start of the year, Bgirl Alina was pushing her limits by attending more training sessions, classes and trying to reach a new level of difficult moves and combos. Everyone within the Bradford breakin scene could see her progression and she jumped up to the next level. Alina was awarded the title for Breaker of the month in 2021 and battled it out at Tech Styles Local, where we held the Breaker of the Year battle. I know this event will have inspired and it’s exciting to see her return this year. Alina has a smooth style with very clean transitions, she has some great freeze combos and footwork techs which stand out from the rest. Alina represents Westside Breakers and helps to lead the crew, as one of the older members she sets a great example by being consistent and setting the standard within the crew. They train on Tuesday’s 6-7pm in West Bowling at Parkside Sports Centre. Westside Breakers will also be attending the Bradford Brawl event on the Saturday, 19th Nov, 1pm at Kala Sanagam.

Westside Breakers Crew | Parkside Sports Centre
Bboy Dexy
Dexy is one of the freshest young bboys in Bradford, he really has an old school flavour within his toprock and footwork and this extends to the way he looks. He has great style when it comes to his get up and lots of character within his dance. Dexy has been dancing for many years but this year in particular we have seen a big change in his approach to the dance, he is most definitely taking things more seriously, battling more and attending more breakin events. Dexy has a really musical style and a strong foundation. It is clear to see that he will be one of the leading bboys in Bradford if he keeps this up and continues to fuel his passion. Dexy represents Concrete Roses and is one of their leading members, we are confident he can really bring the heat on Saturday.

Bboy Dexy | Tech Styles Local | Photo by Karol Wyszynski
Bgirl Ammo
Bgirl Ammo is the youngest member of the Clean North Crew, she is an amazing bgirl and you can see clearly her style is a result of being the next generation. She has learnt from the later generations and built upon this to create new and unique movements within her dance. Her flexibility is a key strength, and she is able to rock the music well with a strong foundation of classic moves along with unique combos and creations. She has achieved breaker of the month every year and has battled fiercely in each and every battle. Ammo won the first ever Bradford Brawl solo battle many years ago, check out the history of the Bradford Brawl to see more. Ammo won this title because she took her dance to a whole new level, has consistently travelled and battled across the UK, whilst transitioning to college and has been able to keep both her studies and breakin in check. This is not easy, but she has set a great example to all bboys and bgirls going through changes in life but still holding it down at the same time.
Bgirl Spider
Bgirl Spider is also another member of the Clean North Crew and she has been Breaker of the Month on 3 occasions. Although she is a young dancer, she is one of the leaders within the Tranquil Productions Family because she has been dancing from such a young age. The better you are, the harder it can be to earn this title because it takes time to progress at higher levels. It is easier to learn the basics and foundations, however it is much harder to master classic moves and transition to learning difficult power moves and freeze combinations. Spider took her breakin to the next level this year by reworking her techs, combos and becoming more consistent at hitting freezes and power combinations. Spider is one of the leading bgirls in the UK for power and regularly battles across the UK, she has a really strong style, and she will be a dangerous competitor in the Break of the Year Battle 2022.

Bgirl Spider | Ganges Studio, Kala Sangam | Photo by Karol Wyszynski
Bboy Elijah
Bboy Elijah is one of the youngest bboys in the City of Bradford, aged at only 4 years old. He received the Breaker of the Month status earlier this year, when he was 3 years old by winning an under 6 1v1 battle in St Helens. The event was called the Jubilee Jam and hosted by UC crew. Breakers gathered from around the UK to battle it out in the different solo categories and it was we had an amazing time. Elijah shocked the crowd with his precise movements and foundation, which is rare to see for a bboy under 6. Everyone from Bradford really celebrated the win and was so happy to see him win his first 1v1 event. Since Elijah was born, he has been around hip hop culture and has grown up watching all the breakers of Clean North and the Tranquil Productions Family. He has a lot of creativity and loves to vibe to the music, it will be great to see him represent, and we are sure the audience are going to love his style.
Bboy Jonah One
Bboy Jonah One has changed massively within the space of a year, his flow musicality and techs are sharp and complex. Jonah was making great progress throughout last year and achieved Breaker of the Month status in 2021, he even reached the final of the Breaker of the Year battles against Bboy Stylez. It is clear to see, coming so close to winning last year’s battle, has driven him to push even harder in his dance following the event. Jonah’s musicality and details are his strengths, he has vast amounts of threads, footwork, tops and he uses unique transitions to flow in and out of these elements. We think he is going to be one to watch this year and we know his battles are going to be hype.

Bboy Jonah One | Ganges Studio, Kala Sangam | Photo by Karol Wyszynski
Bgirl Layla
Bgirl Layla is one of the newest bgirls on the scene, she hasn’t been dancing for long but in such a short time, she has made a great impression on her fellow crew mates and instructors. She is one of the top breakers within her school and has recently joined Westside Breakers. She has already made a great impact on the crew and has shown how serious and dedicated she is. Layla sets a great example as she is tough, works hard and puts the effort in to progress. Her passion and eagerness to learn is what gained her the Breaker of the Month title and it is clear to see if she keeps this momentum up, she will become one of the top breakers for Bradford.
Bboy Theo
Last but by no means least is Theo and consistency is the key when it comes to this bboy. At only 8 years old, Theo has shown great passion and dedication to breakin. He represents Westside Breakers and has become one of the crews most prominent members. Theo has repped at local events, battles and has performed a crew showcase at a public show in Common Space for a youth music night by All Star Entertainment. To say this bboy has only been dancing a little over a year, it certainly feels like he is a key member of the Tranquil Productions Family already. He is such a positive character and his steady progression is a feature that many of the great bboys and bgirls of our city have also had in common. We are very excited to see what he brings to the floor and we hope he keeps on pushing to the next level.
Tranquil Productions trains over 200+ students per week. There are many different classes to get involved with at schools and community centres, we also hold Tranquil Productions evening and weekend classes. If you’re reading this post and would like to learn how to break, please contact us today through this website, Facebook or Instagram. If you would like to get involved as an academy/school (curricular or extra-curricular activities) or community centre, to book classes/workshops, please also contact us today. Remember to follow the Tranquil Productions Facebook page, Instagram and our YouTube Channel to get regular updates and news!