With the Breaking Olympics fast approaching, we thought we would celebrate by highlighting our first Bboy to receive the Tranquil Productions, Breaker of the Month Award. We are so happy to announce the first breaker to receive this award in 2024 is none other than Bboy Jonah One from Clean North Crew.

Jonah One has a unique style, it is powerful yet technical and precise, one of his main elements is his footwork. Jonah One has a rounded style, where his musicality and details are his strengths. He always pushes to improve, which has had a massive impact on all of the Tranquil Productions Family and the new generations of breakers in Bradford.

He is very original with a mixture of both foundational and detailed moves. Even when Jonah One is focused on improving his style, he never forgets to help our younger generations to train and progress. He takes time out of his training to help Bboy Dexy, one of the newest members of Clean North Crew. He helps Dexy with new footwork and power move ideas, along with crew routines, commandos and generally improving his breaking level. This is one of the reasons Bboy Jonah One was awarded Breaker of the Month, he is definitely a team player, which is great for the future of the Breakin scene and everyone he is around.

During Tech Styles 8, many of us noticed how Jonah One worked throughout the entire week. He is reliable and always completes any tasks that are given to him no matter how crazy the tasks are. One of the great things about Bboy Jonah is that he helps out wherever and whenever needed. Although he was very busy helping to run the event, he still had the passion to battle and make it all the way to the final with the crew, which was amazing to see. Jonah has so much enthusiasm for breaking, he is always down to train and every time there is an upcoming event, he is one of the first to say ‘lets battle’. The video below is the qualifying round of Jonah One battling with Bgirl Ammo and Bgirl Spider at Tech Styles 8 against Immigrandz Crew from France. Clean North Crew made it to the final of Tech Styles 8’s B.Tactical battle which was a huge feat for the bboys and bgirls of Bradford.

Throughout the year, Jonah One has competed in multiple events all around the world, some of the places that Jonah has battled include Gloucester, Wrexham, Birmingham, Bordeaux and New York, USA. The image below is of Bboy Jonah One in Bordeaux when he entered the footwork battle. He trained really hard for this battle with Bboy Stylez working on transitions, foundation and signature footwork moves.

Another reason Jonah received the first BOTM in 2024 is down to his dedication and commitment to breakin. Jonah not only is one of the hardest working bboys in the Bradford scene, he puts on training throughout the holidays so that the rest of our scene has somewhere to keep practising and improving when normal classes and training are not on. Bboy Jonah One has converted his garage into his own personal training spot and has flyers from previous breakin events, mirrors, graffiti canvases, LED lights, a couch (from our old training spot) and a Bluetooth speaker to play the dope beats from incredible breaking DJs.

Congratulations Bboy Jonah One on the first 2024 Breaker of the Month title, we hope you keep pushing and we look forward to seeing all you achieve this year. God Bless, Peace

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